Monday, December 6, 2010

What's the Deal with Microfiber

More and more microfiber seems to be the latest and greatest cleaning product in Europe these days.  Here in the US, it is not widely known or accepted that microfiber cleaning cloths clean as well as they do, and that remarkably they only need water to do the cleaning.  For those of us in the US there really is little known about the real value of these cloths, so I created this blog as a one-stop to compare the brands I have come across and tried.

A friend of mine who has a Norwex business first told me about microfiber and I was very surpised and enlightened by the idea of washing household items without using soaps and cleaners - faster, easier, no cleaner residue, no worry about mixing dangerous chemicals, no buying paper towels every other week - what's not to love.  I bought a few Norwex items thinking I was getting something unique that only Norwex could give me, and have been quite happy with the cloths (particulary their window cloth - love it!).

After using the Norwex cloths I was so impressed I began wondering why this has not taken off in the US yet, and what other microfiber is out there.  I went on line to have a look, and found that there is loads of info about microfiber, but just a handfull of articles about comparisons between the brands and types of microfiber cloths.  Here are a couple of the more interesting ones:
Ecoholic Article
Norwex and E-Cloth comparison

Most of the information about microfiber is about furniture (makes a great furniture cover) and cars.  Turns out microfiber has indeed been discovered here in the US, but mostly by automobile enthusiasts who like to keep their autos super shiny and enjoy the impressive drying/no scratching quality of microfiber.  Many of the chat boards for auto lovers have statements on how they also use the microfiber in their kitchens, so there really is a small niche using these cloths here in the US.

I am so impressed and intrigued with the cleaning possibilities of microfiber, having used the Norwex cloths, that I ventured out in the world of microfiber a bit to have a look at what else is out there.  I found super cheap ones at automobile sections of places like Wal-Mart and Target, and even many varieties at even chaper places like Dollar General and dollar stores.  So, what's really the difference between these cloths?  There are cloths on line you can buy for over $30, and there are those in the dollar stores you can buy for a dollar or less.  I've been collecting and comparing these cloths, and want to use this blog to write my opinions about each of them.